HMP Predator Gunship

From Hidden Empire Wiki
(Redirected from HMP-Predator-Klasse)
Icons faction kus.svg HMP-Predator-Klasse
1 1 214G.jpg Faction: CIS
Function: Corvettes/Cruisers
Basic construction time 00:36:00
Basic costs: Icons res dura.svg 6000
Icons res tibanna.svg 7450
Icons res kristall.png 1540
Icons res credits.png 1040
Icons res energycell.svg 10
Maintenance: 22 (22,323)
Points: 111 (111,61)
Cargo capacity: 5600
Hangar capacity: 30
Prerequisites: Build idle.gif Orbital Shipyard A (Level 20)
Research idle.gif Shipbuilding Technology (Level 20)
Research idle.gif Hyperspace Technology (Level 19)
Shot priorities: Defence Systems
Probes/Cargo ships
Shot priorities: 543210
Weapon count: 94
Damage against shot priority 1: 162
Damage against shot priority 2: 41
Damage against shot priorityt 3: 30
Damage against shot priority 4: 20
Damage against shot priority 5: 10
Damage against shot priority 6: 302,95
Armour: 7246,02
Shield absorption: 0,15

The HMP droid gunship was originally developed to support ground combat against infantry and lightly armoured vehicles. Due to their strong shields and the large number of ballistic weapon systems, these ships were quickly converted into missile cruisers that could destroy enemy positions with high weapon damage in a short time. As the flight capabilities of these ships were designed for planetary combat, their speed in space combat is very limited. Therefore, these ships should not fight on the front line and should be well protected from enemy fighters.